Costa Rica

Intl. Airports

MRLB / LIR - Daniel Oduber Intl ,Costa Rica

Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport (IATA: LIR, ICAO: MRLB) also known as Liberia International Airport,  is one of four international airports in Costa Rica. It serves especially as a tourism hub for those who visit the Pacific coast and western Costa Rica.  The airport...

A oldalról

Scenery of Daniel Oduber Quiros Intl / Liberia, Costa Rica. v2
Scenery made by Luis Jimenez Trejos (Tico Sim) for Xplane 11. (and 12)

If you would like to donate you can by PayPal, thanks to support Tico Sim! I appreciate it.

1-OpensceneryX library
2-RA Library:
3-The Handy objects:
4-Mister X (REQUIERES LAST VERSION April 3rd) 
5- 3D People Library:
6- SAM Plugin:

Daniel Oduber Quirós International Airport (IATA: LIR, ICAO: MRLB) also known as Liberia International Airport, 
is one of four international airports in Costa Rica. 
It serves especially as a tourism hub for those who visit the Pacific coast and western Costa Rica. 
The airport is 11 kilometres (7 mi) west-southwest of the city of Liberia in Guanacaste Province. 
The Liberia VOR-DME (Ident: LIB) is located on the field
-Runway Direction: 07/25    
-Length: 2,750m / 9,022ft    


Simply drop on "Custom Scenery" folder in Xplane 11 base folder

You can support our project via PayPal, I appreciate it.:

NOTE: The scenery uses "SAM Jetways" from Mister X library

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1-Now include sam.xml for make the gates work with SAM Plugin.*
Thanks to Raf_Liveries for make this file for the Scenery so that we can all enjoy functional GATES with SAM Pluguin.
2-Minor fixes

Intl. Airports
Első kiadás
September 17, 2022
Utolsó frissítés
2 year(s) ago — 1.0



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© Luis Jimenez (Tico Sim) - All rights reserved. A szerző előzetes írásbeli hozzájárulása nélkül tilos a fájl újratöltése vagy terjesztése. Ezt a Flight Simulator 2020 modot a következő készítette Luis Jimenez (Tico Sim) and shared in Scenery Enhancements » Intl. Airports a oldalon. X-Plane 12.

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