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Hi! Really nice livery but I have a question, how do i install the Carda leap/PW neo engine mod on the toliss 320neo? theres only a download for the 321/319
De onda loco si vas a editar un aeropuerto de otro creador por lo menos pedí permiso y nombrá al creador original.
does this work for xplane11?
Hello anychance we can have this for zibo?
Travail de qualité et qui n’impacte pas les performances grâce à sa bonne architecture. Un développeur de confiance qui a déjà fait LFBO (Toulouse), d’aussi bonne qualité et que je vous recommande fortement. Dont voici le lien :
Je vous recommande aussi de faire le vol, dont voici la route ifr (sur vatsim ou ivao) :
Merci beaucoup TOTISH pour cette scène sublime et continue comme ça !!!
Travail de qualité et qui n’impacte pas les performances grâce à sa bonne architecture. Un développeur de confiance qui a déjà fait LFPO (Paris Orly), d’aussi bonne qualité et que je vous recommande fortement.
Je vous recommande aussi de faire le vol, dont voici la route ifr (sur vatsim ou ivao) :
Merci beaucoup TOTISH pour cette scène sublime et continue comme ça !!!
how did u get the picture at first to look like that?
if keir starmer is on the plane then crash it
you can but i made a seperate folder called airbus where i put all my airbus aircraft
The airplane can't be controled after System A and B are fail.
Better and better! Superb addon, thank you so much.
Thank you very much for your hard work. I do appreciate it 😍
Seria o PP-ZNM e o PT-ZLA! grato comando
Boa tarde, se possivel me manda a matricula do rv10 que voce quer para ver se eu consigo fazer !
I downloaded all the libraries i copied them to custom scenery folder. Why the airport just wont load properly it says there was a problem loading this airport and theres no buidlings at all. Help pls
Boa! por favor faça outros RV10 de matricula brasileira!
in the laminar research ?
You just put in the xplane 12 Aircraft folder, and you are good to go
Привет, отличнейшая ливрея, особенно салон порадовал. Что касается расчетной таблицы у второго пилота, и если это влиияет на ваш комфорт, то можно в настройках А320 включиить опциию HAS BUSS SWITCHES и тогда эта таблиичка пропадет вообще.
Yes, I noticed the same issue when I was doing some testing last week. Better 4k support is definitely something I'm looking into for the future.
LNAV не работает....
i`m also looking for an update on this one!
Unfortunately for me with 4k resolution the UI is unresponsive. Even though "User Interface Size" is set to 100% on the graphics settings (added an image to the User Gallery in case it helps debug). Pictures here look great though.
How do you get them to fit on the a332?? when i install the mod in your link, the wings and seates are in the a333 config?
Which file do you put it in? ...
the livery is white and im using xp11 did i do something wrong
Parabéns para todos os envolvidos, continue o trabalho!
It is fixed now in V4.04 Full
update this to new level up 737 please
Best plugin for XP
I don’t know if it is just me. But when I am in cold and dark. The battery on humming sound is audible. I don’t think I heard that in the previous version.
yes, its works for me
OK gracias
Muchas gracias Luccio! Excelente escenario!
magnifique travail, félicitation pour cette réalisation, mais domage qu'il n'y ai pas d'eclairage de l'aeroport, cela est génant pour visualisé les installations lors de l'approche. J'attendrais l'amélioration sur une prochaine mise a jour pour pouvoir remplacer la scene par défaut avec la votre 😊
Buenas, envíeme un mensaje privado para ayudarlo
does it work?? Not sure if it does
Thank you for your support, I’m pleased you like the SkyMatix VA livery.
Happy flying 😍✈️😎
Fixed in the latest version
I have no problem with it, I use xCamera and it is fine for me. Please post to our forum for more help, we do not help here, as per the original post.
Please post this on our forum. Cannot help you here.
Could you do North of Italy?